"We have had no fogging problems in our shop since installing FogBuster coolant sprayers on our mills and lathes. Also, coolant usage has gone down, and there is minimal cleanup."
- Darrol Houser , Production Manager

"At Southwestern Industries we use what we sell. As a result, when we find something that is very successful in our own shop, we know it will be successful in our customer's shop as well. Because of the success we have had using the FogBuster, we added it to the machines we manufacture."
- Mike Zolinschi , Chief Mechanical Engineer

“Since we’ve used the FogBuster in our workshop we haven’t experienced any problems with fogging. It also saves a lot of coolant and prevents damage of the mills. Our hundreds of satisfied customers throughout Europe cannot be wrong”.
- Roy Kloss , Owner

“The Fogbuster system is easy to setup, easy to use and runs well on low air pressure. We have adopted it as our standard coolant system offering for all of our installations. The advantages of no fogging are clear in a workshop environment for the machinist and others on the shop floor.”
- Rory Stoney , Chief Mechanical Engineer

"When your FogBuster coolant system was installed on my CNC milling machine, I found it made cutting significantly faster and gave materials a better finish. It sprays more coolant on the tool without the fog and it's possible health hazards. So impressed were my co-workers and supervisors, that Beckman Instruments purchased more FogBuster systems for the other lathes and milling machines."